Board of Directors

The NACC Board of Directors consists of 10 members, which include the President, and 3 representatives from each region, namely the regional Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary-Treasurer. Currently these individuals are:

President: Sheryl Matheson (Sherridon, MB) (Email, Cell: (204) 679-0452)

Eastern Chairperson: Eric Olson (Homebrook/Peonan Point, MB) (Email:, Cell: (204) 768-4215)
Eastern Vice-Chairperson: Helgi Einarsson (Dauphin River, MB)
Eastern Secretary-Treasurer: Wanda Mowatt (Matheson Island, MB)

Northern Chairperson: Glen Flett (Norway House, MB) (Email:, Cell: (204) 801-1024)
Northern Vice-Chairperson: Sheryl Matheson (Sherridon, MB)
Northern Secretary-Treasurer: Freda Parenteau (Cormorant, MB)

Western Chairperson: Harold Fleming (Meadow Portage, MB) (Email:, Cell: (204) 648-3293)
Western Vice-Chairperson: Ken Spence (Spence Lake, MB)
Western Secretary-Treasurer: Doug Popowich (Waterhen, MB)

The Board is elected at the Annual General Assembly by the membership.  The re-election for the term positions on the Executive Board of Directors was held August 2022.  The re-election for the term positions on the Board of Directors was held August 2023.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of the President and the 3 Regional Chairpersons (Northern, Eastern and Western).