
Find more information on how to get involved in the NACC Beekeeping Program on the NHFI Resources Page.

Spring-Summer 2020

Three new beekeepers from the communities of Duck Bay and Camperville are busy as bees. The fence is up, the hives have arrived and the bees are actively collecting pollen from the trees as well as being fed sugar water in their new apiary.

After attending the Beekeeping Fundamentals course in Dauphin January 2020, some beekeepers were eager to get started and applied for the NACC Beekeeping Program. This year the beekeeping program also supports existing beekeepers in NACC communities, who may apply for support to increase their honey production!

Beekeeping Workshops

Beekeeping Workshop-Winnipegosis, MB:
August 15, 2023

The NHFI Beekeeping Program is buzzin’ once again!

After a great start this year with NACC beekeepers meeting ‘virtually’ in true community style to support one another and stabilize the NACC bee supply.

Beekeepers were able to meet in person on August 15th, 2023 at Elks Hall, in Winnipegosis, MB. This workshop was an amazing opportunity for beekeepers of various knowledge levels to enjoy a number of presentations by the provincial apiarist, Dr. Derek Micholson!

It was an evening of lively discussions on topics of interest to NACC beekeepers, including:

  1. Disease and Pest Management: Varroa Management;
  2. Successful Wintering of Bee Hives;
  3. Splitting Hives and Queen Rearing 

The event went late into the night (!) and beekeepers were eager to learn all that they could about important topics in the field of hobby beekeeping.